Thursday, December 10, 2015

Reflective Post

    Before starting this class, I had no idea what I was getting into. I thought I knew a lot about technology already. After the first day I realized there was a lot of technology programs I didn’t know about like blogs and wikis. I learned a lot in class and hope to transfer that knowledge I learned in my class one day. My favorite in class activity we did was the Kahoot’s, I thought they were a good for quizzing the class and allowing students to compete against each other. I plan on incorporating this into my classroom once I begin teaching.

   My favorite project was the collaborative lesson plan we had to come up with a lesson to teach, while also creating the lesson plan that goes with the lesson. I really thought this was a great exercise to teach us all how to work together, if you didn’t complete your assigned part the lesson plan the other membes would now. Also each member of the group had to evaluate one another so if a student didn’t contribute this was a way to let the teacher now. I also really liked the teacher webpages because it’s a great tool that students and parents can look at and communicate with you. I would love to try and incorporate that into my class as well.

   I really enjoyed myself in this class, I loved all of the group work and discussions that allowed us to collaborate with one another. Through that I got to know a little something about each person in the class, this is important because we all have the same career goal to become teachers. So may be down the line one of your fellow classmates can help you get a job or even help you in another teaching class. I have learned that technology is here to stay and is continually evolving. As future teachers we need to learn how to effectively use it in our classrooms.