Thursday, December 10, 2015

Reflective Post

    Before starting this class, I had no idea what I was getting into. I thought I knew a lot about technology already. After the first day I realized there was a lot of technology programs I didn’t know about like blogs and wikis. I learned a lot in class and hope to transfer that knowledge I learned in my class one day. My favorite in class activity we did was the Kahoot’s, I thought they were a good for quizzing the class and allowing students to compete against each other. I plan on incorporating this into my classroom once I begin teaching.

   My favorite project was the collaborative lesson plan we had to come up with a lesson to teach, while also creating the lesson plan that goes with the lesson. I really thought this was a great exercise to teach us all how to work together, if you didn’t complete your assigned part the lesson plan the other membes would now. Also each member of the group had to evaluate one another so if a student didn’t contribute this was a way to let the teacher now. I also really liked the teacher webpages because it’s a great tool that students and parents can look at and communicate with you. I would love to try and incorporate that into my class as well.

   I really enjoyed myself in this class, I loved all of the group work and discussions that allowed us to collaborate with one another. Through that I got to know a little something about each person in the class, this is important because we all have the same career goal to become teachers. So may be down the line one of your fellow classmates can help you get a job or even help you in another teaching class. I have learned that technology is here to stay and is continually evolving. As future teachers we need to learn how to effectively use it in our classrooms.



Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Digital Blog Post #L – Chapter 12

Concept 1- One of the topics discussed in this chapter is inclusion and infusion of technology. Inclusion means that computers and information technologies are used mainly for transferring information and practicing skills. While infusion is the integration of computers, the Internet, and other information technologies into regular patterns of teaching and learning in k-12 schools. I believe that infusion complements the classroom better due to the continuing day to day educational experience the students get. Ongoing use of technology allows students to motivate and engage in classroom activities, resulting in an organized classroom. 

Concept 2 – Another concept in this chapter discusses one to one laptop computing. One to one laptop computing means every student in a grade, school, or district has her or his own computing device to use in school. This theory reduces digital inequalities by providing each student with a digital device. One to one laptops initiatives have been prompted by three interconnected developments which are, new machines, use in higher education, and research studies. I believe that one to one laptop computing enhances student’s ability to learn by engaging exploration of academic topics in the classroom.

Concept 3- Another concept in this chapter discusses cooperative learning and group work. In cooperative learning and group work, students work together in pairs, trios, or other configurations of small groups on projects and assignments. With this technique the teacher free to move around the classroom, stopping at each group to offer more specialized assistance and encouragement. I like that cooperative learning encourages students to work together to create and share.  While allowing the teacher the opportunity to reach each group to see how they are doing and to make sure they understand the assignment.


                                  created by Courtney Lewis

 Maloy, R. (2011). Teaching Information and Digital Literacy. In Transforming learning with new technologies (Second ed.). Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Digital Blog Post #K- Chapter 4

Concept 1- One of the topics discussed in this chapter is academic content. Academic content is the concepts, skills, ideas, and information taught to students by teachers. Technology plays an essential role in assisting teachers in answering the “what to teach” question. Digital content available on the internet includes a vast collection of curriculum resources and information. This can range from internet search engines to blogs. I believe that by using the resources that are available, teachers and students can gain access to new ways to research and retrieve information. This can be beneficial for students when they are doing research for a class project.  

Concept 2 – Another concept in this chapter discusses using electronic grading software. Which enables teachers to quickly calculate and record student grades on a computer. This allows students to have immediate access to their grades, and families are continually informed about a child’s progress in class. Which I believe is a good thing due to the fact that older students tend to lie about their grades. There are also concerns associated with electronic grading systems. Not all school activities, particularly at the elementary level, translate into a numerical score. So many feel that electronic grading systems don’t fully measure a young learner’s performance. I see both sides to whether electronic grading software is beneficial and I feel that it should be used in middle and high schools only because there grades are based on percentages for certain assignments and them finalized by a numerical grade. While in elementary school grades are focused on students’ academic growth and performance.

Concept 3- Another concept in this chapter discusses learning assessments. Learning assessments are methods and strategies used to evaluate student knowledge and performance before, during, and after a lesson is taught. I love that learning assessments provide insight on what students have gained from a lesson. This helps teachers understand if students are learning from what is being taught. In the classroom I would use learning assessments such as online surveys, electronic tests and quizzes, and class discussions to evaluate what students have learned before as while as after a lesson has been taught. 

                                   created by Courtney Lewis

Maloy, R. (2011). Teaching Information and Digital Literacy. In Transforming learning with new technologies (Second ed.). Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Digital Blog Post #J- Chapter 11

Concept 1- One of the topics discussed in this chapter is digital portfolios for students. A digital portfolio may contain all the material usually found in a paper- bound portfolio, but multimedia technologies are used to present the material. Digital portfolios are portable, so they provide students easy accessible to information. They offer connections to wider educational communities through electronic communications. This can be useful for students when communicating information about themselves. This can help teachers gain information about their students.

Concept 2 – Another concept in this chapter discusses using student participation systems. Student participation systems are handheld wireless tools that offer interactive learning options for teachers and students. In a classroom student participation systems can be used with clickers, which add a fun approach to answering discussion or review questions. This provides an opportunity for all students to answer questions which otherwise they might not have answered orally. Handheld devices offer a private way for teachers to see if students understand topics that are being taught while not publicizing the results to the entire class.
Concept 3- Another concept in this chapter discusses online surveys for preassessment.  An online survey is a poll that is delivered and tabulated online. I love that surveys provide teachers with knowledge and skills that a student has. This provides teachers with data that documents students’ progress and learning.  I love that surveys give students insight on what they should know after the topic has ended. In the classroom I would use surveys a guides to see what each student knows before I began teaching as well as after to see what students have gained through my teaching. created by Courtney Lewis
Maloy, R. (2011). Teaching Information and Digital Literacy. In Transforming learning with new technologies (Second ed.). Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon. 

Friday, October 2, 2015

Blog Post E: Chapter 7

Concept 1 - One of the topics discussed in this chapter is problem solving with students of all ages. As a person that works with elementary school kids, I agree that problem solving is a huge social and mental skill that should be taught as soon as possible. Due to the fact that problem solving has become popular learning method used throughout the classroom. Problem solving allows students to build relationships, but also helps them think for themselves rather than relying on someone else t do the work for them. I have seen first hand the effects a child has when not able to solve problems, they become frustrated easily and are likely to give up after a short period of time.

Concept 2 - Another concept in this chapter discusses higher order and lower order thinking. The textbook explains lower order thinking as students being able to memorize or reproduce knowledge without problem solving. Higher order thinking is solving problems that promote new understandings. I think as educators, we need to be able to accommodate both thinking levels and have an understanding on how both operate. I learned that spelling words are an example of lower level thinking due to the memorizing that is associated with it. Which I now see fitted more towards elementary school aged kids due to the lack of problem solving involved with it.

Concept 3- The last concept I chose in this chapter is about computer games. I love the use of computers as a means of learning. Computer games are defined in the book as, computer, video, and web based game software applications that are immensely popular among children and adolescents today. I think computer games are an excellent way to teach students, they provide a new and creative way to teach students. Also computer games give students another way to learn besides always hearing the teacher teach a lesson. I loved using computer games to learn, they allowed my the opportunity to focus and let my competitive side show. created Courtney Lewis
Maloy, R. (2011). Teaching Information and Digital Literacy. In Transforming learning with new technologies (Second ed.). Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Digital Post #B Chapter 2

     The first section I chose to discuss is barriers to technology use. Not every school has enough funding to fully implement technology into the teaching curriculum. The schools that have the tools necessary to provide technology are utilizing it and those that don't are not. I noticed a difference between the time I was in elementary school to now where my brother is in elementary school. My brother will come home and want to play a game he learned in school which most I the time I have never even heard of the game before. This just shows how technology is always changing.

Photo Credit to Barrett Web Coordinator on Flickr
      Second, I was excided to read methods for teaching with technology, your teaching philosophy. I personally feel that the student centered method best suits my personality. From a students perspective the teachers that allowed the students be involved in the classroom teaching were far more effective. When a student can reteach a lesson back to you with no problems, you the teacher feel a since of accomplishment and pride in the job you are doing.
     Third, identifying innovation and technological readiness As educators we need to identify were we stand on technology in order to find are weakness. If only we could recognize are misfortunes in order to change or work to improve them. It is very important to identify the capabilities of each student and to not underestimate them. As educators we need to challenge are students to there full potential without causing stress to them.
C,H. (2013, March 27). From the Teacher-Directed to the Student-Centered classroom. Retrieved September 9,2015, from
Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with Technology 10th Edition. Boston, MA: Person Education Inc.



Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Digital Post #A. Chapter 1

First, there were several statistics that referenced the amount of technology being used by children this day and age. I was especially interested in the focus and emphasize on how children this day are brought up using technology. As a future teacher, the more knowledgeable you are about technology, the better you will be able to connect and understand each students learning needs as refers Maloy, et al (2013, pg. 3). Although times are changing things can be occurring for the better. I like how the focus is on children using technology. But not all technology is bad, you as a future teacher need to incorporate fun educational games and projects to enhance students education.

Second, I was excited to learn ways that teachers can use technology in their work as educators. Teacher can incorporate computer technologies in classroom instructions, outside the classroom activities, and both inside and outside learning activities for students. (Maley, et al, 2013, pg10)  In my future classroom I hope to include the use of technology through a technology based learning environment and teaching tool.  A technology based learning environment can help students once the school day has ended. The teacher can post important notes or extra assignments on a website which offers students extra help if they need it. I like how this provides students with the extra help they might not have otherwise received.

Third, I was thrilled to read about Technological pedagogical content knowledge, also known as TPACK. This is a great way for teachers to bring together three different forms of knowledge while  not focusing entirely on one or the other. This allows teachers to come up with different ways to meet different instructional and student needs.

In conclusion, there is much to learn about becoming an accomplished teacher in the 21st century and technology will play a huge role in a teacher being productive. Technology will take learning to a deeper and high level. The chapter does an excellent job describing what it takes to become a 21st century teacher.


Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with Technology 10th Edition. Boston, MA: Person Education Inc.